Zoosemiotics and animal representationsPlace: Tartu (Estonia)
Time: April 4-8, 2011
Deadline for abstracts: September 15, 2010
Conference webpage hereKEY TOPICS OF THE CONFERENCE:
- Theory and methodology of zoosemiotics
- History of zoosemiotics, the legacy of Thomas A. Sebeok
- Practical applications of zoosemiotics (e.g. zoosemiotics and conservation)
- Zoosemiotics’ relation to relevant fields such as cognitive ethology, biosemiotics, ecocriticism etc.
- Animal experience (semiotics and phenomenology)
- Semiotic perspectives on animals in literature, art, films etc. (e.g. seeing man in animals, and the animal in men).
- Semiotics of human–animal relationships: historical, social and communicative perspectives (e.g. the semiotics of zoos, of wildlife management, and of domesticated animals).
Morten Tønnessen
Part of the organizing team